Elements Of Landscape Design


Which corresponds to the principle that the landscape is a whole. It is achieved by not having plants that are varied in both type and color. Well, placing the same type of plants in the same landscape gives it a greater degree of homogeneity. Balance, which is radial, symmetrical, or asymmetrical, but its purpose is to obtain harmony.

The proportion

It can be achieved by keeping landscape elements in scale with the house. To do this, it is good to be certain of the approximate final volume of the tree or bush so that over time, the garden is not disfigured and the soil does not suffer severe damage from the roots.

Variety and diversity

But with control, they make the space more fun. You should try to ensure that no element competes with another, and each of the spaces doesn’t need to be full, but there are times when a space can be helpful in attracting the eye to a focal point.

The principles of landscape design


Please take into account that all plants have different shapes, regardless of their size. This factor is of great importance because they all play an important role in terms of what they contribute to the landscape. Along these same lines, the shade that the trees must provide is taken into account in the different seasons of the year.


Regardless of their shape, the objective is to direct the vision to a central point or also to divide the areas of the garden.


All elements, trunk, leaves, flowers, etc., have texture. It would help if you tried to combine them to make the garden look organized.


It is the one that plays the most important role in the landscape and is often the least understood. It doesn’t need to be exclusively equipped with one color, nor is it necessary that it have a great variety of colors.

Selection of landscape elements

When selecting plants, do it as if you were painting the house, that is, match the colors to the building. Before starting to carry out any type of work, you must be clear about what you want to achieve, what you need, and the maintenance that will be required for what you decide. Make sure that is what will change, as there are always things that remain.

Beginners in landscaping – Tips to avoid mistakes and get ahead in the market

As in any professional activity in the initiation phase, making mistakes is part of the experience, and landscaping is no different.

 We have listed some basic tips for beginner landscapers to avoid small mistakes and start their career well-tuned.

If you have come this far, you have probably already been through a complicated situation at work, but don’t worry; making mistakes is part of the journey. Remember that you are inexperienced and have a lot to learn; you should also know that you are on the right path.…

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